Friday, November 30, 2007

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Unusual Inspiration

Can you guess what it is? Find out tomorrow when i have time to finish this :)

Monday, November 26, 2007

Amazing Tesla

Card Catalogue

I saw one of these the other day and thought about what a great storage place it would be for small things in my new studio - like ribbon and paper scraps. This way I could label each one too! I looked on Craigslist for a few places - Corvallis, Portland and Eugene but all I found was a plastic/metal one and a really old listing for a modern rendition. I think this will be a great addition to my new place - I just hope I can find a decently priced one.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Rosemary swags!

So I have been making rosemary and lavender swags to use for lots of things. I use them for cooking and for decoration and for car fresheners. It is really great, I found a plant on campus and there is a HUGE plant right in front of Josh's house so there is never a scarcity. I will upload some pictures of these soon they are not decorated or anything but I really like them for the smell and the look!

Friday, November 23, 2007

What I want now.

There are these abosultuely beautiful porcaline mugs that Starbucks put out limited edition. Normally I don't buy mugs new because there are just too many old ones looking for homes but I love these quilted mugs. The cheapest I have been able to find them is $14 each! on ebay - which is a little out of my college price range. Does anyone know anything useful about these? I just wish I had seen them when they were in the store...Sigh.
All I can do is keep looking and hope to stumble across them in a thrift store sometime in the next few years. This is all making me realize just how much I love vintage and vintage looking kitchen items and items that look like milk glass.
I hope everyone is having a great long weekend!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Vintage Inspiration...

Mack Sennett's Bathing Beauties

Monday, November 19, 2007


Retro Kitchen - dinner is cooking!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

A headboard...

So I have really been looking forward to the idea of a headboard because it means your there... no more moving every term - you just might have some stability in your life. I havent had a headboard in forever largely because I haven't had time to think about one since I got a larger bed and largely because I haven't wanted to drag one around through all of these moves. So I want to keep it cheap yet chic, here is what I am thinking. This fabric - rich in color but not too bright and wont get dirty too quick. I write alot in bed and ink stains are routine... Anyway, this fabric, a quilted silk on a plain rectangle headboard. I had thought of having some shape to it but I like the idea of being able to use it as another inspiration board like the board on the left.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

New furniture

Okay, so I know it is six months away, my new apartment, but I can’t resist thinking about what I am going to put in it. Lately I have been hypothesizing about a new couch or chair – do I need one - nope but I really really want one. Lately I have been stuck by bold silk fabric prints that have an old-fashioned feel but with a punch of color. This one on the left was the first to catch my eye. I don't have a use for such a chair being uncomfy and all but the fabric is fabulous. The couch below is another pattern that I really liked – I don’t actually like the couch but I do like the fabric. As much as I love these patterns my boyfriend says they will be "out of style yesterday" and I think he has a point and that I might get sick of them asap which leads me to think that I may want to just keep these silks to some nice throw pillows.

They could look great with the chair that I know I will be purchasing first thing for my new apartment. I have had my heart set on a comfy leather chair for several years now, something I can crawl up in and write and have “me space” in, it has been my long anticipated graduation present to myself. I call it my Aidan chair because I first fell in love with it on a Sex and The City episode. Mine will be slightly different in that I want leather on the arms too to make it a bit more comfortable. This is about what it will look like.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Darfur, you and me.

Here at the end of Darfur Awareness Week I think about how little we have done, I've talked about it to people and I've written my state representatives about it - So what?

Life - to live, to breath and if your lucky to have some choices. Life is the most important thing, we should not sleep until children are no longer being killed like this - that is it we should not sleep, but we do and soundly. Three dollars can save one person from being murdered in Darfur for the entire year and yet we sleep soundly. So tonight as we do all nights we will go to our Serta beds in our secure neighborhoods and sleep soundly thinking only of ourselves, our workloads, our sorrows and our joys.
I guess we are all helping with population control by not lending a helping hand and sleeping soundly at night.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Nice to meet you

So - My name is Melinda-Claire and I want to be... a writer first and foremost which is good because I do some of that now.. a photographer.. a activist.. a event coordinator.. an environmentalist, a creator of beautiful things in some way.

I graduate soon and I am looking forward to my new life but trying not to look so far forward that I miss the bliss, or potential bliss of these last collegiate days.

I have several projects I am working on now - I am putting together my first ever professional quality website, a wedding resource site for Corvallis area (Benton County) brides. I am also trying to build up my article archive for when I have time to actually sell them! Lastly I am redecorating and creating things! I am sanding and repainting a cute little corner desk to be my writing haven and trying to not neglect my studies!